About Us
Built Environment for Health and Well-Being Research Unit
Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University

Our projects were supported by Thai Health Promotion Foundation (Thai Health) with the aims to:
  • Contribute research and create the knowledge network of design towards built environment for health and well-being. 
  • Distribute the knowledge via different media channels.
  • Focus on learning outcome and exchange experiences between participants with multi-disciplinary skills.
We concentrate on Participatory Design process and Design for positive behaviour contribution, as well as encourage young designers to have enough knowledge and awareness of Designing the Environment for Prevention, Cure, Care and Rehabilitation. Last but not least, we support all people in society to re-habit their living to be happy and heathy lifestyle, to know the way of self-healing, and to realise the important of design for human habitation in order to create a wellness in physical, emotional, social and mental aspects.